Minimum KYC+
Yes. You can convert your Minimum KYC+ Freecharge Wallet to a Full KYC wallet.
You are eligible for the Minimum KYC+ Freecharge Wallet if either: You are new to the Freecharge App/website – you have never registered with Freecharge before You have registered on Freecharge App/website but have not completed the Full KYC process.
You can use Minimum KYC+ Freecharge Wallet only for merchant payments such as recharges, utility bill payments and various services on the App/website.
At any point in time, you can hold up to Rs.5,000/- in your Minimum KYC+ Freecharge Wallet. If you have a balance greater than Rs.5,000/- in your wallet, you will not be able to further add money without utilizing the existing amount. The amount loaded in such wallets during any...
No, you cannot transfer money to someone else’s wallet or bank account from the Minimum KYC+ Freecharge Wallet. For that, we recommend you convert to Full KYC Freecharge Wallet.
You can add money to Minimum KYC+ Freecharge Wallet using Debit card, Credit Card, Net Banking.
The Minimum KYC+ FreeCharge Wallet does not have a requirement of converting into a Full KYC Prepaid Payment Instrument (PPI) and comes with lifetime validity (no expiry date). You can add up to Rs. 5,000 per month and Rs. 60,000 per year.
In case you do not wish to migrate to the Minimum KYC+ Freecharge Wallet, you may choose either of the below mentioned option: Convert your wallet to a Full KYC Wallet through the processes mentioned here ; or Continue transacting on Freecharge using UPI, Debit/Credit Cards or Ne...
As per the Reserve Bank of India guidelines, you need to provide your Name and Unique Identity/Identification number of any of the mandatory documents or officially valid documents listed in the RBI’s Master Direction - Know Your Customer (KYC) Direction, 2016 KYC (Passport, Vote...