If the card is not validated, you won’t be able to continue using a particular saved card with Freecharge. You will need to go through hassle of re-entering your complete card details when doing transaction on Freecharge.
All VISA and Master Card users, please enter your card details and proceed transaction with pre-selected consent. Upon successful transaction you should be able to see your saved card. If still you cannot see your card in saved cards please reach out to us.
No charges - There are no charges to tokenize your card.
There are different ways to tokenize your cards 1) Saved cards - While doing any transaction through saved cards you just need to continue with consent which we have pre-selected for you and post successful transaction we will tokenize the card for you. 2) New Card - While doing...
Yes - It is completely safe and recommended as it enhances the security on your saved cards with Freecharge.